Misoprostol bucally mifepristone - Navigation menu

All methods are equally effective in causing an abortion. However ALL the misoprostol must be used in the same way. We strongly advise you to use Misoprostol under your tongue. This way, no remains of the pills can be found in the event that you need to go to a hospital. There are no blood tests that can show that you have taken Mifepristone or Misoprostol, so there will be no way to prove that you tried to do an abortion.

In countries where women can be prosecuted for having an abortion, it is not necessary to tell the medical staff that you tried to induce an abortion. You can say that you had a spontaneous miscarriage. A small number of women around 3 in will have a complete termination at this stage, before they take the misoprostol tablets. A complete termination happens when the embryo and placenta have been expelled from the uterus and out through the vagina with any blood.

If you suspect that this has happened to you, return to your doctor immediately for a follow-up examination so that the possibility of complications can be ruled out. Many women are able to continue with their usual daily activities during this time. However, depending on the way this medicine affects you i.

Misoprostol You will need to take misoprostol 36—48 hours after taking mifepristone. The usual dose is micrograms 4 tablets of misoprostol. Misoprostol must be taken bucally. This means you must keep each tablet between the cheek and gum for 30 minutes before swallowing any remaining fragments with water.

Not taking misoprostol in this manner could lead to a higher chance of failure for pregnancies beyond 7 weeks. There are a few different ways of taking this medicine; your doctor will provide advice about how you should take it. For example, you can take all 4 misoprostol tablets at once, or you can take them in two separate lots of 2 tablets, 2 hours apart. Are less than 8 weeks since your last menstrual period. Are willing and able to give informed consent.

Have the support you need such as access to reliable transportation and ability to communicate with the clinic by telephone. Live no more than 2 hours away from emergency medical care a hospital. Are able to come back to the clinic for 1 to 3 follow-up appointments.

Agree to have a surgical abortion if the misoprostol does not induce termination. Your Health Due to the risk of serious health problems, mifepristone and misoprostol may not be recommended if you: Have had a blood clotting problem or are taking anticoagulant medicine. Are taking long-term systemic corticosteroids. May have an ectopic pregnancy. Have a mass in the tubes or ovaries. Have an allergy to mifepristone, misoprostol or other prostaglandin medicine.

Future Fertility According to studies of the FDA Food and Drug Administration and the National Abortion Federation , there are no known long term risks associated with using mifepristone and misoprostol. Therefore, women may pursue another pregnancy whenever they feel the time is right after having a Medical Abortion. Other Options For Early Abortion If you are at least 6 weeks by ultrasound, you can choose to have a surgical abortion, in which the cervix is dilated and suction aspiration is used to remove the tiny pregnancy.

They are completely different medications taken for different purposes. Emergency Contraception Plan B contains the same hormones as in regular birth control pills; Plan B prevents pregnancy after sex when taken within days after unprotected intercourse. Emergency Contraception will not harm an existing pregnancy. You can get Plan B Emergency Contraception at your local pharmacy. You don't need a prescription if you are 17 or older.

If you are under 17 you need a prescription but in Washington State you can get the prescription right at the pharmacy: You cannot get it at a pharmacy in the USA.

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